24 Feb Heart to Hart
When Mark Huber heard about the Hart family, he knew he had to help. Their home had been destroyed by a fire and they had no insurance to rebuild. There were four generations living in this home and now they were homeless.
Mark learned about helping the community from an early age. He is from a large family and there always seemed to be room for one more in his home. As a child, Mark had experienced a fire in his own home and he felt that this was his time to pay it forward. Huber’s Custom Building, Inc. is donating their time and expertise to re-build the Hart family home.
By asking his subcontractors to help, he has been able to secure donated services and many of the materials have been donated as well. KIRO News heard about Mark’s generosity and came to the office to do a story about Mark. You can see the story at this link: http://www.kirotv.com/videos/news/video-strangers-step-in-to-help-shoreline-family/vDbYG4/
We will be adding more about this build and we wish to thank ALL the volunteers and the community for their donations. We are still accepting donations for this family, and would welcome any amount that you could give. Thank you!